Monday, November 3, 2008

The best things to have happened with The Bromley Boys

1. Being the bestseller in Waterstone's Bromley.
2. Getting a review which began: "Nothing has been as good as Fever Pitch. Until now."
3. The Yorkshire Evening Post saying that it was one of "the very best books with a sporting theme".
4. Getting a cover quote from Harry Pearson.
5. Being asked for my autograph and pretending it happened all the time.
6. People writing and telling me how much they enjoyed it. This made me realise I wasn't alone in being an obsessive teenage football fan.
7. Making the shortlist for Sportsbooks' "Sports Book of the Year."


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Congratulations on the success of your book. I found my way here from Caroline Smailes' blog.

DJ Kirkby said...

Congrats to you. Football means nothing to me (sorry) but my partner is a big fan and so your book has been bought and stashed away for Christmas. Now all I have to hope is that he doesn't follow the link to yours from Caroline's blog or he'll be demanding access to your book now.